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SKU: C8564702032 Category:


ROBLINE SK78 1.8mm Kite Line

30m Spool

ROBLINE SK78 1.8mm Kite Line was designed with kiters in Capetown South Africa to be the ultimate line for kiters boosting in high winds. The commitment level in Capetown is high and they ride large kites in high winds and then send it which loads the lines with multiple G-Forces. That is why they need to be able to trust that they have the strongest lines. The Dyneema SK78 is super high strength and more durable than SK99, it has better chafe resistance properties which makes it ideal for professional freeride and freestyle kiters.

The Capetown SK78 is a 12-braid line which makes it durable and easy to splice.

1.8mm Capetown FL-500 SK78 is designed for professional competition level use as center lines on LEI kites.

Strength rating: Maximum weight bearing load of 500 daN which is roughly 1124lbs.

For the ultimate freeride kiteboarding line set we recommend using SK79 1.8mm for the center lines and SK79 1.6mm for the steering lines. Most kite lines run between 20 meters and 24 meters.

ROBLINE SK78 1.8mm Specs:
Diameter: 1.8mm
Length: 30m
Breaking load: 1124lbs
Use: High Strength Kiteboarding lines
Material: SK78 Dyneema
Weave: 8-Briad


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