Over 500 common, threatened, and ecologically significant plants of subtropical eastern Australia.
Plants of Subtropical Eastern Australiadescribes the rich flora of this biogeographically distinct region located on the east coast of Australia, covering the north coast of New South Wales and coastal South-East Queensland. This guide presents a selection of common, threatened and ecologically significant plants found in the regions major vegetation habitats including rainforest, heathland, grassy forest, wetlands and rock outcrops.
More than 500 plants are featured, with photographs and descriptive features enabling the reader to identify these species if encountered. Interesting biological, cultural and historical characteristics of each species are included, along with notes on the plants biogeography and a map of its distribution.
Suitable for anyone with an interest in plant ecology and botany,Plants of Subtropical Eastern Australiais the definitive guide to this fascinating region of Australia and its unique flora.
400 pages, paperback, Andrew Benwell
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