
Honey & Pollen Flora of SE Australia

Original price was: $175.00.Current price is: $87.50.

SKU: PYHY631860944798 Category:


Understanding the biology of flora and its value to honey bees is core knowledge for successful beekeeping. Bees feed on nectar and pollen. Beekeepers need to know the floral resources around them, and the nutritional value of those resources to bees, to keep their bee colonies healthy. This publication focuses on the value of plants to nectarivores, and honey bees in particular. The result of over 30 years of research, it distills both scientific knowledge and the opinions of hundreds of beekeepers into a reference work that will be the cornerstone of floral understanding in apiculture for years to come. A terrific reference book on flowering plants, with lots of photos, identification features and distribution maps. 676 pages, hardback. NSW DPI, Doug Somerville.


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